Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A new Oil painting as Promised . . .

Darling Buds of May
by Richard Lance Russell
Oil on Linen
24" x 18"

Well, here's the newest piece. This was one of those happy accidents that happen sometimes when shooting reference material. I was setting up a shot and glanced up to catch these two great models just naturally walking and talking. It was such a great image that I just had to paint it. The shape the period dresses made blowing in the wind was really to fun to pass up.

My apologies for taking a while to get it posted. We've got a project brewing around here . . . I'll keep you posted on that, too!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Another Gallery!

Richard's work is in another gallery! In addition to being represented by Joe Wade Fine Art in Santa Fe, NM, the Blue Mountain Artisans Gallery has invited him to show his work there.

It's particularly fun because this is a local gallery, here in our hometown, and this gives locals a chance to see (and buy! :) his paintings as well.

Having work in a gallery is always a partnership. Richard works to create great pieces that their clientele will appreciate and want to take home, and the gallery works to promote his work and make people aware of what is unique and fantastic about his paintings. Everybody wins. We hope the new partnership with this gallery will be a great success for everyone!